Foxtel Migration Project

Creating a better user experience whilst streamlining Foxtel’s Channel sites


Foxtel Channels' websites were fragmented, built on different platforms with design inconsistencies that created an unnecessarily complex workload for employees tasked with uploading content and site development.

Foxtel Channels sites needed streamlining and better consideration of user experience for both employees and the audience.


I was one of three senior digital designers involved in this multi-department project:

  • Site audit (multi-team)

  • Wireframing (designers, producers & digital product manager) 

  • UI Design & Iterations (design team)

  • Brand customisation and creative direction sign-off (design team & brand custodians)

  • Website build (design team liaise with external developer)

  • Creation of website style guide, documentation and templates (design team)


All sites were migrated successfully to schedule, creating a consistent experience for the website audience, producers, designers, developers and product managers.

The new standardised back-end and easy-to-use style sheets and templates we developed resulted in a faster production time for refreshing content and design iterations across all sites.


Thin Green Line Foundation